The Next Big Thing(s)

Summer in full swing at the School of Craftology, resulting in long hours, little rest and almost no time to work on anything. I have however managed to start on two things which I'm pretty excited about.

The first is a sound sculpture/performance piece of ginormous proportions in partnership with Mark Warren, who I've taken to calling Professor because of his advanced knowledge of cool and sketchy sound stuff. His grasp of musicology is astounding as is his adroitness with a soldering iron. This has inspired me to get back in the shop and start building odd little gadgets to work with sound from scrap and scratch:

(the sound was recorded via the homemade pickup... imagine the possibilities!)

Secondly is an as yet unnamed project with 2 more un-indicted co-conspirators. This temporary logo (cause I have no time and little energy to actually draw one) pretty much makes the point.

Stay tuned. (literally...)

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