My latest collision of hi tech and lo-fi

I built this:

There were no survivors (ie: it doesn't work)

back to the drawing board...


Morgan Inez said...

oh my! what is/was this creature?

Morgan Inez said...

ps-i received your letter! what a delight! new zines to be sent within the week...#3 is still being screen printed in various sections. [sorry to chat about it here, but i wanted to let you know i got your correspondence]!!!!

MB said...

hi morgan, thanks for the comments! the beasty is a low power fm transmitter. for a top secret project i have in the works. of course, it'd be much more interesting if the thing actually WORKED. glad you got the letter and will watch snail mails eagerly. i read the article about you in the tribune, is that email address still good? i'll send you details of the fm thing and i have a few zine questions/comments too. feel free to email me at justmakingstuff@gmailDOTcom.