If you're in the 'hood then come on by...
The movie might not be an award winner but the chili will be hot and the beer will be cold and Mike has the biggest flat screen TV known to man, great for a world premier. Next best thing to a movie theater in these parts (the closest one being an hour and a half away...)
Make your own fun. Think Ghetto Sundance.
Continued pursuit...
of the cell/video/autopost solution...
Only one more test, then i'll be done. Probably tomorrow a.m. Maybe clip of the workplace.
Previous post corrected for grammar. Honestly, you'd think I'd proofread a little bit...
It's cold outside. Dogs and cats find their warm spots. Meatloaf in the oven, a wee dram or two of Irish whiskey, another log on the fire, and all is well...
Let me just say...
Doing a bit of testing, thanks for your patience.
RSS is magic, just like most of the rest of the stuff that makes the internet wheels turn. It is a miracle that most of it works pretty well most of the time. I am confounded about how to get cell posts converted and autoposted and be viewable in news readers. So for those if you that have to come to the site, know that i feel your pain. I'm close to deciding to give up the immediacy of autoposting cell video and focus on the more widely and easily distributed manual posting.
Content matters, and ease of accessibility is important. The time I've spent trying to get this little feature to work might be better invested in content production.
I have one more little test to run, I'll use one of the previous little pieces, once I get my plan figured out I'll come and clean up this bit of a mess.
Thanks to encouragement and tech assistance from the FauxPress, I'm working to expand accessibility to this, the blogular component of the Circus of Impromptu Artisting.
here is the itunes feed address: http://justmakingstuff.blip.tv/rss/itunes
(i should put up a little button at some point...)
and you'll note the Feedburner button on the sidebar.
My cell phone does video in some Verizon voodoo format, so it seems the auto crossposting (live reports from the field in real time) might not be viewable in newsreaders. Added to that I have to strip the Verizon advertising text manually, so it's not very elegant at all. Rest assured I'm looking into it but I don't know if there's a fix.
All this access makes me want to put up content with greater frequency.
I'd be interested in if/how the RSS feeds are working for you.
Thank you for your support. small art matters.
(oh yeah, thanks to Lucy the Wonderdog for providing tonights test material...)
Randomly transmitting...
this would be much more interesting if i was making some stuff and posting more frequently. but it is what it is.
recently finished a 30 minute piece for an event to take place in early feb. pondering a couple of other projects. working a lot at the day job. reading books. not much writing, no flat stuff made recently.
the wheel turns, sometimes slower than others. but i'm on the edge of something big i think.
or maybe not, but the scenery has possibilities.
field notes
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