Andrew's bird, stills
I'm obsessed by this thing. Very Calder-esque, unintended. Andrew's a guy that loves to make stuff, and it's all extremely cool and whimsical and quirky and so damn awesome. I'm lucky to be able to see him work. I'm sure there'll be more Andrew news as time passes.
Andrew's Bird
cummings quotage
"Damn everything but the circus!
...damn everything that is grim, dull,
motionless, unrisking, inward turning,
damn everything that won't get into the
circle, that won't enjoy, that won't throw
its heart into the tension, surprise, fear
and delight of the circus, the round
world, the full existence... "
-e.e. cummings
My work makes me crazy sometimes. It's no wonder I get mired in creative inertia.
But it supplies enough material to keep me going for 3 lifetimes, if I thought to use it differently instead of getting crazy. I could film it, submit it raw and uncut, and it'd be a hit sitcom.
Real life is much more hilarious and ironic than make believe.
"We need you to redo your activity report." Eh? "We need to make it look more meaty, and we need some numbers." Numbers? "Numbers of or about what, exactly?" says me (my work is not number intensive, except to count the times I am required to do silly things...) "Well, we're not sure, but we'd really like some numbers..."
Ok then.
Recurring Image
Stuck on a visual image lately...almost certainly a metaphor.
Picture this: an old piece of wood, maybe from a house or barn or something. Exterior, a little weathered, but painted. MANY layers of paints, coats and coats, 40-50 years worth, one on top of the other. Historical layers.
What I'm compelled to do is start scratching off, sanding down, wire brushing, and peeling thru the layers, all the way to the bare wood, to see what is underneath there. Down to the essence of the thing, expose it to sunlight, rain, moonlight, weather.
It would be interesting to find out what exists when all the layers of protection are gone.
In other news, a vibrant dream about an installation last night. Woke up, it was clear as a bell, and I saw how to do it all immediately to the most minute detail. Of course I didn't write it or sketch it down, now i can't hardly remember a thing about it. But it's good to know it's in there, I suppose it will come out for real when it's supposed to.
Winding up the SoCal expedition. Flying then driving, back at the Eastern Center for Impromptu Artisting by the next sunrise. Field notes and images to come after digesting.
On the Road
Obvious, I know. But how else to title?
Land of sun. Prices way out of our league, but we find cheap going at times. Internet connections spotty, trying to piggyback here in the land of pay (a good bit) for everything. Wireless connections password protected unless I stumble on to a kind soul that has an open network. All pic posting via phone, and I'm not fast enough at texting to get many words done.
Best cappuccino and cannoli ever today at a little family-owned Italian place 2 blocks off the beach. Will revisit for the ciopinnio, hand made from fresh ocean stuff, smelled heavenly. Tomorrow maybe.
Random transmissions to resume shortly.
field notes
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