My wife and friends made me a book; it defies words...66 people from all over the US and at least 3 Euro countries contributed pages- every one a separate piece of art. All lovingly compiled and assembled by Kate, Frank, Beth, and Margaret. It is priceless, and I am humbled and touched beyond my ability to express.

I am a fortunate man.

Thank you all! This gift means a great deal to me and I will treasure it always.

On to the NEXT 50, HUZZAH!


Anonymous said...

Yipppeee! I love being able to see the book.

Happy Happy Continuation Day you dear being.



Michael said...


Many more happy bdays for you, and I'm really glad I was asked to help out with the endeavor.

You really are pretty fantastic!


Wesley Middleton said...

wow - so beautiful. AND so well-deserved! i truly felt i was at your bday shindig in spirit. i know it must've been a blast. many many happy returns to you mr. boyd!

Christi Teasley said...

Cheers to the first 50 years!
May the next be inspired and inspiring.

Birthday woohooo!

Christi + Carlton