Another question worth contemplating...

referencing a joseph campbell story...

(subquestion: and why even a ladder?)

(ed note: not necessarily posing these to you dear readers, but to myself...i would not be so presumptuous as to be the asker...)

Current question of ponderification...

Sometimes these things get stuck in my mind, like some kind of whacked-out punk/zen koan...

Answering this is clearly and concisely could be a key that would unlock a whole lot of other questions...

Maybe it's the mother of all questions.

A week or so past the threshold...

And a really nice person gave me a little surprise!

I got this card full of good advice:

along with a big batch of yummy cookies:

so far 50 is showing some promise...

Thanks Terry!

Ancient TV Wisdom

Oxymoron I know, but I take it where I find it...

Farmer: "you don't seem to worried"
Caine: "if i worry, will the future change?"

Grown Up Biz Cards

Courtesy of and generously gifted by the Ragamuffin Press

Letterpressed and everything!

Beth makes beautiful things, you should get yourself some. And she has a sweet blog too. And she's going places (literally and metaphorically). I'm going to miss her and look forward to her return and stories from far flung adventures in the spring.

Thank you for everything, Deer Friend.

Birthday Book

Video thumbnail. Click to play
50th birthday gift book
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov)

Yeah, I know it's L-O-N-G but I wanted all who give pages to see how it all came together. And for those of you that are far-flung across the country and the world, I want to do a book show and tell tour and thank you personally, so don't be surprised if I show up on your doorstep one day!

(I get choked up every time I pick the thing GUYS! I still can't believe it. Best. Present. Ever.)

A simple statement of great inspiration

Beth linked to this article (Jan 28) and i've read it several times. Since then, I started reading a bit about Mr. Jensen who is quite an interesting fellow. I think he's on to something, and his ideas resonate with me. I get all excited about his concept of decolonization. But the statement that is sticking with me the strongest is this:

"The dividing line is between those that do something and those that do nothing. Do something."

That alone is reason to get out of bed in the morning and get busy...

Beth's right: read the whole article.


My wife and friends made me a book; it defies words...66 people from all over the US and at least 3 Euro countries contributed pages- every one a separate piece of art. All lovingly compiled and assembled by Kate, Frank, Beth, and Margaret. It is priceless, and I am humbled and touched beyond my ability to express.

I am a fortunate man.

Thank you all! This gift means a great deal to me and I will treasure it always.

On to the NEXT 50, HUZZAH!

Early afternoon, Groundhog Day

The lack of shadows does not make me necessarily optimistic...

Shameless Self Promotion

Video thumbnail. Click to play
digital collaboratory promo

I'm teaching at Penland School for a week this Spring. The awesome Beth Schaible will be assisting. I feel certain there'll be some cardboard, sharpies and rusted wire involved. You should come join us. Info here.