My friend Beth would never toot her own horn, so I'll do it for her...
But then i see something like this...
(via Wooster)
...and then I think "I'm not getting any younger and I need to quit wasting my time..."
Building alternative worlds and sharing them seems like a perfectly reasonable and meaningful vocation...
The bear visited again Friday night. He made quite a mess, a straight trail from the woodpile all the way back to where the ridge climbs sharply....clean up, aisle 4...
So that began a largely outside weekend in the weirdly awesome fall weather. Chores, repairs, etc. I took some video to work up as a sample for another project. Which I planned to work on but the sudden death of my old iMac (RIP) which is what i use for video editing put a cramp in that. Tense negotiations with the Apple Mothership regarding the replacement of a known faulty logic board (yes, out of warranty, but it's only 5 years old and perfectly fine, will you not stand behind your product? I love you Apple, but you're sadly adopting some PC-like business practices...) are in progress. Meanwhile, i began to get the MBP set up to do video editing assuming bean counters will win out over humanitarians and ethical business practices, such is the corporate environment of the world we live in.
I've lately become interested in communication in general. I find myself drawn to crisp, clean, brief examples (clarity is refreshing), quite lovely for the space around it. Whether it be digital, video, or print the ability to convey a story, idea, or image concisely (but with some subtlety and nuance) is a fine art. Current examples: Karl, Beth, Robert.
I love a good story, fact or fiction. I aspire to be a good story-teller, but not sure I possess that particular skill, maybe too much noise inside of me. But one can try, maybe brevity is a matter of refinement. I recently read an article about how everyone uses all the tools of communication to try to be heard above the din of everyone using all the tools of communication. So I'm toying with the idea of detaching, understating, and walking lighter...I find being sufficiently animated takes too much energy. I'm leaning towards giving quiet and calm a test run. I suspect the result will be similar, but the quality of the exercise improved.