watch if you wanna
why i like the innerwebs...
C. Ryder Cooley
a stumbled-upon gem. i don't know if i could reconstruct the path of links that got me here, but no matter, what a find!
Not that anyone would wonder, notice or care but this lately vacant space (almost the whole summer!) might prompt a question like an suddenly empty downtown storefront, or a house unoccupied and being encroached on by the local flora...
I go back and forth thinking that nothing of note has happened in forever, but then look at all my pictures and realize that a lot of note (at least to me at the moment it was happening) has taken place, there's just been no time to sort, digest, reflect and report.
Busy-ness is a sickness, I tell you.
(and here is the moment where I could create a long, detailed and involved, factual and minutely documented dissertation on how most of the activities that consume my time from May-Sept are so completely in opposition to how I think and work when left to my own devices and rhythms that I am in a mostly constant state of cognitive dissonance. but that seems rather self-involved and mostly pointless as well as totally boring. which reminds me of a statement someone wrote about writing/blogging years ago that still sticks with me: "the two questions that when answered correctly can determine an engaging piece of writing are "so what?" and "who cares?")
Clearly, I celebrate the tangential, the parenthetical, and the glories of the run-on sentence...
All this to say, the paradigm should shift to what passes for more normal and more comfortable, more SENSIBLE, in the next 10 days or so. Maybe then I'll do something like a highlight reel from this summer, and remember that oh yeah some interesting and fun things did happen after all.
For now, I give you this...
(I took this 2 weeks ago and am just now posting it??? So much for immediacy...)
I love sunflowers, and before the spousal unit tumbled into her particular abyss of said busy-ness in May, she planted some for me, which are now all blooming in assorted sizes and shades (lemon yellows, rust reds, shades of oranges and other yellows). This pleases me greatly, as well as the goldfinches and other songbirds. And they serve as a reminder that when it comes down to it, the abstract trivialities of the workaday world don't matter all that much.
A good realization since I look at the clock and see it's time for me to go engage with the machine once again...
Back soon with some fun and interesting stuff I hope...
The title of this piece is "People Say I Should Write a Book (but I'm too lazy)"
Looping video, about 6mins 20 secs, first shown at the house show Friday night.
(just because I don't follow my own advice doesn't mean it's not good...)
Actually, this is more like a public service product review. Always trying to be helpful I am (he says, Yoda-like..)