But inside it could hardly be any better...here's more clips of the evening which has lit a creative fire under me...
(please excuse the video quality, it was DARK...)
The first clip is Kelli Rudick checking sound while playing her Nail Violin. I don't have the vocabulary to describe it or her musical ability and presentation. You'll have to check her website and come up with your own adjectives.

Click to Play
Next is Liz Isenberg, who has a bell clear voice and an excellent guitar style. great tunes.

Click to Play
Finally, there's two clips featuring Ominvore (Glenna Van Nostrand). I'm still dazzled by the use of the circuit-bent telephones, her voice, and the old radio. It is as if she glimpsed the dark closets inside my head and brought the stuff out to play with. I KNEW it could be done, I had just never seen it. And now that I have, there is nothing to do but hurtle forward and try to do similar things myself.

Click to Play

Click to Play
These three ladies (and our very own Mark Warren) are seriously legit artists making incredible work. Beyond all that one of the best things is that all of them came to us from far away places (urban, some would say sophisticated places) to share their stuff and are most unassuming and unpretentious folks with that level of talent that I've ever met. (they could give nice lessons to a lot of people we deal with every day!). With no compensation except pass the hat. AND, in the case of Liz and Glenna, traveling 10 hours on a dark and snowy night, only to get rear ended 20 mins away from us, smashing up their car a good bit and giving them a good scare (imagine how the dark and unfamiliar mountain roads seemed to two women used to lights and traffic and all that stuff...). But they showed up, unloaded, and played for us. So on top of everything else, I have enormous respect for them all. Makers and doers- and they share!. Art at it's best and how it should be.
Check their sites out, buy their music. Cheap Art isn't Free. And supporting intelligent, articulate, individualistic and innovative work is a good thing to do.
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