Amy Goodman speaks (updated)

Amy Goodman speaks

Ok, so not the best photo but I was enthusiastic about the moment.  I went to town (not a small thing, it being an hour and a half away) with a couple of friends to see/listen to Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! speak.  It was TOTALLY worth the 3 hours in the car.  I left there enthused, challenged and inspired.  She is a wonderful speaker, calm and thoughtful and provides substance and historical context with every observation and suggestion.  I love her position on the responsibility of the media to inform without bias and it's overall failure to do so, deliberately and repeatedly, and the need for us (regular people) to challenge the information providers and spin producers to do better.  In addition, the absolute necessity of personal action as an agent for positive change.  Finally, while clearly being a supporter of the current president, she makes the case for expecting and demanding accountability and for speaking out and challenging authority and the status quo.  Music to my ears.   

And from that comes the realization that I can and should do more. 

In other news, I went to one of the most interesting and creatively charging events I have been to in years (second only to my Bread and Puppet residency) last night.  Yes, it was an action packed day.  I have photos, and I think probably decent video and sound, which I'll try to work up and post this evening.   Stay tuned.  Good stuff to share.

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