Cause like a lot of people I'm juggling stuff. Here's my day job places, where I do two separate and in most cases unrelated jobs, managing the photo studio and keeping the IT humming...
(photos taken on the rare of late clear day a couple of days ago...)
then I've been working on another project pretty intensively that I'll be putting on April 1:
and some night jobs to bring in some funds to support future projects, cause you know...
thus ends this evening's random field report. I have to get back to work...
I don't post regularly...
"Through our nonparticipation in anything we believe to be evil, we are forging another route.
We still sense that there is a life to live, one where we control our own actions, and where the only pulse we hear is not of the city, but the one in our lover's chest. We see a world where people are compelled by their own will, and where no one is subjected to the numbness of being “under control,” because desire of any sort is always our own, and no one can take it from us. We are creating this world and dismantling an old one, for what better way to build a new world than in our hearts"
(from the Groundswell Collective)
Every day...
"Eleanor" sits on my mantle and asks me questions...
and I don't have the answers.
Unfairly smart kid...
(artist's site)
Impractical Labor
Connecting the dots...
I found a couple of great flyers at Printed Matter in NYC last week, bought them for myself and a friend. Good words that spoke clearly and truly what I consistently think and feel about making stuff, and points and purposes. So of course I have to figure out "who are these people that are so eloquent and insightful, and able to present their ideas in such a desirable format, while making it economically and socially accessible???" (because I ask myself these sorts of questions a lot...)
So clickity click and wa-la, discovery!
it's like stumbling upon a warm cottage and cozy fire with soup on when you've been wandering in the bleak wilderness of consumerism and commercialism...
bonus: I KNOW one of the founders! I worked with her a few years ago, she moved on and away, and I lost touch. Clearly, she has been busy doing important and meaningful things. Very inspiring. A reminder of the need and way to do the Real Work.
Reason number 157 of why I love the inter-webs...
Sara's Pots

watch if you wanna
Sara Sanders ceramics
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov), Flash Video (.flv)
Sara Sanders makes these exquisite little pots up in NYC. They are small, paper thin, with the sweetest decoration you'd ever wish to see on clay. Extremely fine work, multiple firings. These small beauties make you happy to see and hold. The smaller ones are around 1 inch in diameter, the largest a shade less than 2.5 inches across. Jewels, I tell you...
Phil's Boat

watch if you wanna
installation at David Krut Projects, NYC
Formats available: Quicktime (.mov), Flash Video (.flv)
This is the boat the Phil Sanders built. Well, the half of a boat. By hand, from found materials. Along with the coins (cast and fired porcelain, mason stained). And the hand-sewn money bag. And the prints and etched lead on the wall. And the multiple edition sandbox, frame and another hand-sewn bag, which I suspect holds some treasure. Phil knows how to make stuff. Wait till you hear about his next big project!
This is a blog of benign neglect...
late winter sun, 75 degrees, 630pm
gin and tonic on the rail
Back from a great trip to Brooklyn (my first time there, I HEART Brooklyn!) Thanks to Phil and Sara, most awesome hosts. Walked the streets, saw some art, ate, drank, became human again, or at least reawakened the best parts of me after winter hibernation. (not to say it wasn't COLD in a big way).
Home, then work part of the weekend, then work today, the wheel turns, but with new ideas and insights. A burst of teaser warm spring-like weather (oh, it'll change back and break our hearts) but tonight is tuna on the barbie and a G & T to celebrate. The birds are singing the sun is shining and life, she is good.
At the moment...and honestly, what else is there, really?
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