Where I've been and what I've been doing...

...walking thru the valley of the shadow of death



Was struck by the plague, concurrent with shifting from fall to winter dayjob stuff, close on the heels of the beginning of National Goof Off Month.

Re-emerging into the world of the living and active.

Irregular transmissions to resume immediately. Ideas bubbling up from a decongenstant haze, being examined for validity and possible action in the cold grey light of today.


Primary question from the voice in my head...

which, surprisingly enough, actually does sound a lot like Utah Phillips...

Bee a hero

(from Storypeople)

Just Making Stuff Home Edition

In explanation of my more infrequent than not posting:



A small part of a the whole kitchen cosmetic redo, which seems endless but apparently will be completed by the end of the evening tomorrow (trim moulding goes down around the slate edge)

Wyatt caped

Wyatt caped
Originally uploaded by justmakingstuff

Red cape day

Current stuff being made...

Doing a little remodeling, kitchen style. My latest project- note the absence of the woodstove in the woodstove nook. Easier to put the slate floor in. This was taken last night, it looks much better now. Plus, I have the added excitement of figuring out how to remove the now hardened grout from the cracks and crevices of the rough surface slate.

JustMakingStuff: construction divsion.