I don't post regularly...

Cause like a lot of people I'm juggling stuff. Here's my day job places, where I do two separate and in most cases unrelated jobs, managing the photo studio and keeping the IT humming...

(photos taken on the rare of late clear day a couple of days ago...)

then I've been working on another project pretty intensively that I'll be putting on April 1:

and some night jobs to bring in some funds to support future projects, cause you know...

thus ends this evening's random field report. I have to get back to work...


Anonymous said...

i like it - i miss it

Robert Croma said...

Ah, MB...ever the inspiration.

The suitcase is completely brilliant!! And, of course, art of the most beautiful kind.

Love the outside of your work building, too (and definitely the inside - all that stuff!).

And the April project...

Looking forward to viewing that from these distant shores.

Am trying to catch up on things myself, which as always is a bit of a losing battle. My little Irish mother used to say, if you're to chase anything at all make sure you chase rainbows and not your tail. Suspect I've spent the past week chasing my tail. So here's to less of that and a lot more of the other.