Field Notes

I've had my eye on this building for a couple of years, thinking it'd be a good place to do a show/event in. It's a big old southern textile mill, long abandoned. Some folks bought it 2 years ago, fixed the roof, slowly renovating, most of the first floor is done, New South commercial space style. No room in this part of the world for much of anything that won't generate some income.

This is some of the second floor. Went with a co-conspirator to scope it out again, slowly formulating my idea to do something in it. Unheard of in these parts. Chatted with the owner, they're willing to talk some more. The red is from the sunlight shining through windows that are painted red.

In my dreams I live in a space like a cozy apartment in the corner, and have 100,000 sq ft to work, play and show in. Incubator.

Maybe, is on board, next week we see who else we can get. I figure 10 people that will do a project, add in some musician friends, maybe some food, and something could happen.


It's always 72 degrees and sunny in Pleasantville...

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Working at my table and looking out the window...

Dog Gate

Made from an old wrought iron headboard found in a junkpile. Hard to photograph. Really bad welding on my part, but it holds, (the wire twist is holding the wire not the wheel!) and I'm comfortable with my lack of craftsmanlike ability.

I have to admit though even by my junk/ghetto aesthetic, its a little ragged and might get some more attention when it's warmer and drier. For now, it serves.


Went to town last week (an hour + away down the mountain). Saw these trees. Startling.

This morning snow, wind and cold. Winter's here. A good day for cats, woodstoves, reading, napping and soup.

Now what? source

(yard sale typewriter on found paper, coffee spill accent, by Ragamuffin Press)

Now what?

Now what?
Originally uploaded by justmakingstuff

(4' x 4', hand painted, hand lettered, installed outside of the dining hall in the wee hours. Artist's link here...)

Collective effort

Originally uploaded by justmakingstuff

(the chalkboard at breakfast this morning...)

That's the first step. Now it's time to get to work. We don't need to wait for change, it is not a gift to be delivered to us in a nice little package; we need to all work for it in every way possible.

Collaborate and cooperate and good things can happen...